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actory customized shopping bag surface pet decoration processing shopping hand bag backpack three dimensional 3D variable drawing offset printing

Item No.: Liankai Bao
actory customized shopping bag surface pet decoration processing shopping hand bag backpack three dimensional 3D variable drawing offset printing
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Direct printing process:
UV printing is a printing method that directly prints to the grating plate to make the image and shadow have a visual stereoscopic or changing effect, so it is also called grating plate method or three-dimensional space printing; There is no need to use tools to see

If you look at it, you can see the stereoscopic image.

UV printing (direct printing grating method) grating material can not be thicker than 0.9mm. If the grating material is thicker than 0.9mm, it can only be printed on offset paper (traditional printing) and then mounted on the grating plate. There are 11 kinds of printing visual effect products, including three-dimensional, three-dimensional plus change painting, multi picture change painting, continuous dynamic change painting, zoom in and zoom out change painting, extrusion zoom in change painting, patter change, twist, cutting, rotation, explosion, etc,

The unique visual effect is completely different from the traditional plane printing.
